Monday, February 18, 2008

The Ground Rules

Well, it would have been just too cheesy and normal to start out with Welcome or Hello! and it was just too techie-nerdy to use cout<< hello world

I have long been wary of blogs, but I have finally decided that Faceboook the occasional mass email were not adequate to keep my friends up on my life and the crazy things going on in my head. I miss you all and want to say hello. So, here is something you all can access without creating any sort of account or anything. You can just read, or I would, of course, love some comments (lucid and nonsense are both fine - I know many of you are still in college :)

Since I'm paranoid/aware enough to believe that anything you put in writing can one day come back to bite you, and that it is even more true of the internet and I'm trying to be respectful of other people's privacy, I'm starting off with three ground rules for myself (and will enforce in the comments, too).

1. Remember that this is public. - I'm not trying for a readership of thousands or anything, just my friends will be fine, but I have no illusions of privacy on the internet. If there are people in the world who shouldn't read it; it shouldn't be here.

2. I will not talk about work. - There is the whole confidentiality thing, but really, though I love my job and it is where I spend most of my time and have most of my interactions with people, it is not my whole life. I have a whole range of other activities and interests and thoughts. This blog is about them.

3. No full names. - Just because you are a person I happen to know, does not mean that you want this blog popping up if someone Googles your name. And nicknames are fun.

With that in mind: let the ramblings begin!