Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On a Happier Note...

Rather than the interesting but rather depressing observation I was going to post here, I'll say this:

It is the small things that make me happy. I love having a job where I can just swipe my debit card at the end of my impulse driven, comfort-food buying binge at the grocery store without even having to check the total, because I know there is money in the bank. (At this point in the month, anyway ;) Making more than $9,000 a year rocks!!!

Of course, I may sing a different tune, later, when Matt finishes my tax return, and, for the first time, the government actually keeps at least most of the money I gave them, but, for now, it's making me happy.

1 comment:

The Downs Family said...

That is for sure something to be happy about!